PLTU Keban Agung – Lahat 2x135 MW Power Plant, which is built under a BOO scheme (Build, Own, and Operate), is an IPP (Independent Power Producer) project owned by PT Priamanaya Energi. This project is part of the 10,000 MW acceleration program stage II involving private sectors, developed specially to cover up the power consumption in South Sumatra, which increased of about 11.3% in the last 5 years. It is a mine mouth electric plant, located in Desa Kebur, Lahat – South Sumatra. The construction of the plant is mainly financed by PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) and by funds of PT Priamanaya Energi. The owner acted as main contractor with the support of Harbin Haguo Industrial Development Co. and Hebei EPTC.
In this power plant, FERBECK has been awarded an EPC contract of a 130 meter-high-concrete chimney by PT Priamanaya Energi.
P.T. Fabric Industrial Chimneys Asia
Fabricating, Engineering, Construction & Contractor
C/O Ferbeck : Unit E-F, 11th Floor, L'Avenue Office
Kav. 16, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu (Pancoran) Jakarta 12780 Indonesia
Workshop: Marunda Center, Block E1, No. 9, Bekasi 17211 Indonesia
Office: +62 21 2908 8146
Mobile: +62 811 8813 005